It is the responsibility of every parent and player participating in Club One to read all the
information contained in the Handbook and Parents Meeting links located on our website.
All players accounts must be paid in full and fully registered thru the OVR/SportsEngine before they’re permitted to practice with a team. You must register thru the 'Club One Registration' link on the main page or or we will be unable to add you to our roster. Make check out to Club One and mail to 908 Washington Avenue, Girard, Ohio 44420. Hand delivery of payment is permitted to Club Director Phil Walters only. Please do not turn in payments to any of the coaching staff.
Organized team practices will begin the first weekend of January. Practice times & locations will be posted on the main page of our website. Each age group will practice together for their first meeting. All players will be placed on a team by the second practice. Practices at Girard High School will be closed to parents and spectators and no one other than the players and coaches are permitted in the gym. Practices are usually in the evenings on Saturday or Sunday with the exception of weekends that your team plays a tournament. We are currently receiving all of our gym time free of charge. If we would have to pay rental fees, club cost would easily double. Practice times may fluctuate to accommodate the high school sports that are currently in season.
All teams 13 & older will be attending at least 6 tournaments. All teams 12 & younger will be attending at least 4 tournaments. Most of the tournaments are local and within an hour or so. All of the tournaments should start between 8 & 9 am and end late in the afternoon. Each teams page will have a link to the OVR website that contains each tournaments start time & information. It’s expected that your daughter be there one half hour before the tournament begins. All players will be required to officiate at each tournament. A rotation will be set up by the coach of each team so that each player shares the officiating duties. Players are not permitted to leave a tournament until released by their coach. Coolers must stay in your vehicles and are not permitted in or outside of the tournament facilities. If a Club One team does not have at least 6 players present on a tournament day, we may have players from other Club One teams placed on their roster so as to avoid forfeiting. If we can not find 6 players to field a team, we will forfeit that tournament and no refund will be given for that tournament day.
The club website will contain information on teams, tournaments and practice schedules. Last minute info, notices about club activities and open gyms will be posted on the main page and should be checked frequently. If any of you have a digital camera and would like to submit pictures from tournaments, email me at the Questions and Comments link on the website and I’ll do my best to get them posted.
The only problem we will address is mistreatment of your daughter either physically or verbally. At no time is it permissible to approach a coach during a tournament to discuss a problem. It’s a highly emotional time and we ask that you contact them by phone to set up a meeting either before or after practice. If talking to the coach doesn’t resolve the problem contact the club director Phil Walters at OhioNorthEast@hotmail.com. We do not guarantee equal playing time on any team or at any event. Club One has the philosophy that what you pay for is instruction time during practices. Playing time is determined by attendance, attitude, effort, performance, the athlete's potential, the team's needs at the moment, and the team's needs in the future, and is left solely to the discretion of the Club One coach. The "coaching decision" is not up for debate.
Use of the club logo must be approved by the club director before being used. Extra tournaments are permitted with the consent of coach involved and will be paid for separately by the team members. They will also pay for the overnight accommodations for the coach if needed. During playoffs at every tournament the losing team must stay and officiate
unless it’s the finals. The only time a player can be excused is if the coach is informed by a parent at the beginning of
the tournament that their daughter has to leave by a specific time.
In order for us to be compliant with the IRS for non-profit organizations, we are not permitted to have separate accounts for each member of Club One and any fund raising would go towards lowering the overall cost of the club fee for all members
of the club. Because of this Club One will not be involved with any fund raising and no one is permitted to use the
Club One name to raise funds.
If we are able to do pictures this year, each player will receive a 5x7 team picture. Individual pictures are optional and forms will be available on sight for those interested. The day of team pictures will be posted on the club website. There will be no make-up days for pictures.