Players who are being offered a contract to play with Club One this season will receive a phone call. If you accept our offer you must print out a contract (listed below) fill it out and mail it in. The coaching staff will not discuss team composition or why certain players made the club while others did not. We will not respond to calls or emails of this nature. We have limited coaches and we structure our club around those numbers.
The coaches and staff at CLUB ONE would like to thank everyone for trying out with our club. Unfortunately there are only a number of positions available for each age group. If you do not receive a phone call, we were unable to include you on a team at this time and your name has been placed on a waiting list in case changes to our original roster occur. Every year several girls who make the club either decide not to play or join with another club.
You have until November 21st, 2025, 9 PM if you wish to accept an offer to play with Club One.
Acceptance Contracts must be received by email (OhioNortheast@hotmail.com) or by mail (908 Washington Avenue, Girard, OH 44420).
There will be a mandatory meeting for players and parents/guardians at Girard High School on Sunday, December 1st, 2024 at 1:00 PM. The meeting will be brief and all players will be trying on uniforms for size and paying club fees.
The total club cost is due at the parents meeting for all Regional teams. American & National teams must pay half. The remaining balance must be paid in January.
(Checks payable to 'CLUB ONE')
No players will be permitted to practice with their team until:
1.) All club fees are paid in full or on time.
2.) Finish your registration process through the link listed below 'Club One Registration'.
3.) Turn in a filled out Player Medical Release Form.
​​​​A link to the CLUB ONE Player Contract for those interested in accepting our offer to play for our club is listed below.
​ Email the scanned signed contract to ohionortheast@hotmail.com or
Mail the signed contract to :
908 Washington Avenue
Girard, Ohio 44420.
After accepting the offer to play with Club One for the 2025 season, you must​ click on the following link to complete your registration and be added to the Club One database. No players will be permitted to practice with their teams until their registration is complete and their club fees are paid in full.